List of Major Intelligence Agencies of the world
Country | Intelligence Agency |
Israel | Mossad |
Egypt | Mukhbarat |
Japan | Naicho |
Iran | Savak (Sazamane Etelaat va Amniate Kechvar) |
Iraq | AI Mukhbharat |
Canada | Canadian Security Inteligence Service(CSIS) |
France | DGSE (Direction General de Securite Exterieur) |
China | Central External Liaison Department |
Russia | K.G.B/G.R.U |
United Kingdom | M.I-5 and 6. Special Branch, Joint Intelligence Organisation |
India | Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Intelligence Bureau (IB) |
South Africa | Bureau of State Security (B.O.S.S) |
Australia | Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation |
USA | Central Intelligence Agencies, Federal Bureau of investigation |