लुम्बिनी प्रदेश सब-इन्जिनियरमा सोधिएका प्रश्नहरु
1. Importance of drainage system of highway
A) It prevents bearing capacity of subgrade soil
B) It prevents the erosion of side slope
C) It prevents surface water entering road ways
D) All of the above.
2. The convexity provided by the carriageway between the crown and the edge of the pavement is known as super elevation height of the pavement camber none of these
A) Super-elevation
B) Height of the pavement
C) Camber
D) None of these
3. Among six levels of services viz ‘A’ to ‘F’, the volume of traffic at the level of service B will be around………….percent of maximum capacity under mixed traffic condition.
A) 40%
B) 45%
C) 50%
D) 60%
4. As per Nepal Road Standard 2070, based on technical and functional classification, Class I roads are the highest standard roads with divided carriageway and access control (Expressways) with ADT…. ……………in 20 years perspective period.
A) 20000 PCU or more
B) 15000 PCU
C) 10000 PCU
D) 5000 PCU
5. National Highway “NHI” is:
A) Tribhuvan Raj path
B) Araniko Highway
C) East west Highway
D) Kanti raj path
6. The necessity of irrigation is required due to
A) Less rainfall
B) Non-uniform rainfall
C) Commercial crop
D) All of the above
7. According to Khosla, the exist gradient of surface flow
A) Depends upon the b/d ratio
B) Is independent of the b/d ratio
C) Is independent of the depts of d/s cut off walls
D) None of these
8. A structure constructed on a irrigation canal for the purpose of wasting some of its water is known as,
A) Canal escape
B) Canal head regulator
C) Canal fall
D) Divide wall
9. For a canal to be economic which of the following parameters should be minimum.
A) Wetted area
B) Wetted perimeter
C) Section factor
D) Hydraulic depth
10. The rate of flow in Artesian Spring is continuous and,
A) Increases in rainy season
B) Constant in all conditions
C) Increases as water table rises
D) Decreases in drought season
11. Before commissioning a new water supply line, it is filled with a concentrated solution of chlorine and kept for 24 hours. The initial and later concentration of chlorine are
A) 3 and 0.2 mg/1
B) 10 and 5 mg/1
C) 20 and 10 mg/1
D) 50 and 25 mg/1
12. The self-cleaning velocity normally adopted for sewer is:
A) Less than 1 m/sec.
B) 1.0 m/sec to 1.5 m/sec
C) 1.5 m/sec to 2 m/sec
D) 3 m/sec
13. A sewer which gets its flow from a number of transverse sewers, is known as,
A) Interceptor
B) Sub main sewer
C) Head sewer
D) Branch sewer
14. Sewerage system is designed for,
A) Maximum flow only
B) Minimum flow only
C) Average flow only
D) Maximum and Minimum flow
15. M10 grade of concrete approximates
A) 1:3:6 mix
B) 1:1:2 mix
C) 1:2:4 mix
D) 1:1.5:3 mix
16. Pile foundations are suitable for,
A) Water logged soils
B) Soft rocks
C) Compact soils
D) Multi storied buildings
17. The strength of concrete depends on
A) Water cement ratio
B) Minimum flow only
C) Degree of compaction
D) All of the above
18. The shear reinforcement in R.C.C. is provided to resist
A) Vertical shear
B) Horizontal shear
C) Diagonal tension
D) Diagonal Compression
19. The RCC section so proportioned that the stress in steel reaches its permissible value earlier than concrete in known as,
A) Under reinforced section
B) Over reinforced section
C) Balanced section
D) None of the above
20. The pre stressing of concrete member is carried out to reduce:
A) Compressive stresses
B) Tensile stresses
C) Bending stresses
D) Shear force
21. Failure of the stability of slopes, generally occurs along
A) Slip plane
B) A horizontal surface
C) A curved surface
D) All the surfaces
22. If an S wave were to go from solid to a liquid–what would happen to its velocity:
A) Stay the same
B) Increase
C) Decrease to 0.0
D) Decrease
23. In Mohr’s circle the angle made by the plane which consists of maximum shear stress with horizontal at origin of planes is
A) Zero
B) 45°
C) 90°
D) 180°
24. The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed
A) 0.15%
B) 1.5%
C) 1%
D) 4%
25. What do you call a flow of a fluid that travels smoothly or in regular paths, in contrast to turbulent flow, in which fluid flows irregularly fluctuating and mixing?
A) Still waler
B) Slow flow
C) River flow
D) Laminar flow
26. What will be the weight of 1 cu.m. water?
A) 100kg
B) 100 Newton
C) 1000kg
D) 1000 Newton
27. A stepped notch is a combination of
A) Rectangular notches of different sizes
B) Triangular notches of different sizes
C) Rectangular and triangular notches
D) All of the above
28. The unit of Kinematic Viscosity in S.I. units is:
A) m3/s
B) N-m/s
C) N-s/m2
D) N-m
29. A simply supported beam of span ‘L’ carries a uniformly distributed load ‘w’. The maximum bending moment, M is,
A) wL^2/2
B) wL^2/4
C) wL^2/16
D) WL^2/8
30. The maximum bending moment produced in a simply supported beam having span 4 meters and subjected to a udl of 15 KN/m is
A) 60 KN-m
B) 30 KN-m
C) 120 KN-m
D) 15 KN-m
31. Lesser Himalayas is made-up of……………..
A) Volcanic lava
B) Trapped lava
C) Metasedimentary rocks
D) Lava stone
32. Different from paints, varnish is…….
A) Water based
B) Oil-based
C) Transparent
D) Colourful
33. Which is not a type of paint?
A) Gloss paint
B) Eggshell paint
C) Latex paint
D) Press paint
34. Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of bitumen and:
A) Water
B) Sand
C) Cement
D) Aggregates
35. Contour line- (find the wrong one):
A) Always closes itself.
B) Are in equal distance from one another
C) Shows the points of equal elevation
D) is drawn by joining points of a fix elevation interpolating surveyed points
36. Which instrument is not required for plane table survey?
A) Alidade
B) Plumbing fork
C) Spirit level
D) Chain (measurement tape)
37. Reciprocal ranging is adopted when the flowing is encountered:
A) A dense forest
B) A river
C) A hillock
D) A tall building
38. Contour lines of different elevations can unite to form one line, only in the case of
A) A vertical cliff
B) A saddle
C) A water shed line
D) A hill top
39. Record Management lifecycle मा तल दिइएको मध्ये कुन पर्दैन ?
A) Creation
B) Distribution & uses
C) Purchasing
D) Disposition
40. नागरिक बडापत्र (Citizens’ Charter) को अवधारणा सर्वप्रथम कहाँबाट सुरु भएको थियो ?
A) जापान
B) नर्वे
C) संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
D) संयुक्त अधिराज्य
41. निजामती कर्मचारीले बिदा स्वीकृत नगराई लगातार १० दिनसम्म अनुपस्थित भएमा कस्तो सजाय हुन्छ ?
A) दुइ तलब वृद्धि रोक्का गर्ने
B) ५ वर्ष बढुवा रोक्का गर्ने
C) भविष्यमा सरकारी सेवाको लागि अयोग्य नठहरिने गरी सेवाबाट हटाउने
D) भविष्यमा सरकारी सेवाको लागि अयोग्य ठहरिने गरी सेवाबाट बर्खास्त गर्ने
42. पत्रव्यवहार सम्बन्धमा निम्नमध्ये कुन भनाई सही होइन ?
A) पत्रको भाषा शुद्ध हुनु पर्दछ ।
B) व्यवसायिक पत्रको भाषा सरल हुनु पर्दछ ।
C) पत्र प्रभावकारी ढंगबाट लेख्नु पर्दछ ।
D) व्यवसायिक पत्र धेरै लामो हुनुपर्दछ ।
43. तल दिएका मध्ये कुन व्यवसायिक लेखा प्रणालीको सिद्धान्त भित्र पर्दछ ?
A) दोहोरो लेखा प्रणाली
B) सरकारी सम्पती तथा दायित्व
C) परलमूल्यको सिद्धान्त
D) बजेट नियन्त्रण
44. The owner gets the assurance of work progress and quality from,
A) Supervisor
B) Contractor
C) Engineer
D) Mason
45. A type of contract based on estimated quantities of items included in the project and their unit prices quoted by the bidder against each item is known as,
A) Lump sum contract
B) Cost plus contract
C) Unit rate contract.
D) Construction management contract
46. A dummy activity:
A) Is artificially introduced
B) Is represented by a dotted line
C) Does not consume time
D) All of the above
47. In the analysis of rates, the profit and over head for the contractor is generally taken as,
A) 15%
B) 13%
C) 26.5%
D) 5%
48. The number of standard modular bricks required to make one cubic meter of masonry is:
(A) 480
B) 500
C) 520
D) 540
49. The damp proof course (D.P.C.) is measured in
A) Cub.m
B) Sq m
C) Metres
D) None of these
50. The drains constructed on up slope of hill sides are known as,
A) Catch drains
B) Side drains
C) Cross drains
D) Under drains