Steel and Timber Structures
Irrigation Engineering
- Irrigation and method of irrigation
- Soil-Moisture-Plant Relationship
- Water Requirements of crops & Canal Irrigation
- Water Logging & Reclamation of Saline Soil
- Canal Design
- Canal Regulation Work
- Canal Head Works & Seepage Theory
- River Engineering
- Cross Drainage Work
- Dams and Reservoirs
- Spillway, Energy Dissipators & Spillway Gates
- Practice Work
- Irrigation Advantages Disadvantages and Need in Nepal (remaining need in nepal)
- Crops and Soils
- Some important terminologies: Duty and Delta
- Crop Water Requirement and Irrigation Water Requirement
- Irrigation Methods: Suitability Advantages and Disadvantages
- Canal Types, Network and Alignment , Canal Losses
- Silt Theories
- Design of Earthen Canals
- Design of Lined Canals
- Canal Standards
- Specific Consideration for Canal Design in Hill Irrigation System
- Seepage Theories Piping and Uplift
- Design of weir and barrage (crest, length and thickness of impervious floor)
- Design of silt control structures: Excluder, Ejector and Settling Basin
- Design of energy dissipators
- Design of energy dissipators (hydraulic jump and stilling basin)
- Design of river training works (guide bund, levees and spurs)
- Watershed Management for River Training
- Design of regulators, drops, cross drainage and outlets
- Waterlogging
- Design of surface and subsurface drainage
- Planning and Management of Irrigation System
Water Supply Engineering
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