इतिहासको २० प्रभावशाली राजनीतिक पुस्तकहरू
No. | Book Title | Author | Year Published |
1 | “The Republic” | Plato | c. 380 BCE |
2 | “The Prince” | Niccolò Machiavelli | 1532 |
3 | “Common Sense” | Thomas Paine | 1776 |
4 | “The Federalist Papers” | Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay | 1787–1788 |
5 | “The Communist Manifesto” | Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels | 1848 |
6 | “On Liberty” | John Stuart Mill | 1859 |
7 | “The Road to Serfdom” | Friedrich Hayek | 1944 |
8 | “The Second Sex” | Simone de Beauvoir | 1949 |
9 | “The Power Elite” | C. Wright Mills | 1956 |
10 | “The Conscience of a Conservative” | Barry Goldwater | 1960 |
11 | “The Wretched of the Earth” | Frantz Fanon | 1961 |
12 | “The Feminine Mystique” | Betty Friedan | 1963 |
13 | “The Greening of America” | Charles A. Reich | 1970 |
14 | “A Theory of Justice” | John Rawls | 1971 |
15 | “The Shock Doctrine” | Naomi Klein | 2007 |
16 | “The Audacity of Hope” | Barack Obama | 2006 |
17 | “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order” | Samuel P. Huntington | 1996 |
18 | “The End of History and the Last Man” | Francis Fukuyama | 1992 |
19 | “The Art of War” | Sun Tzu | c. 5th century BCE |
20 | “Das Kapital” | Karl Marx | 1867 |
यी पुस्तकहरूले राजनीतिक चिन्तनमा महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रभाव पारेको छ र वर्षौंदेखि राजनीतिक प्रवचन र विचारधाराहरूलाई आकार दिएको छ।